ESDI IoT (Internet of Things)
New: ESDI's Full Stack IoT Demo - End to End / Platform Latest News: MbedOS board ported
Developed to reduce IoT project cost and demonstrate ESDI's experience in Embedded and AWS Full Stack IoT development, as well as provide a platform for swift proof of concept.
- Embedded Devices in Demo:
- Implemented on various boards / devices
- FreeRTOS and Embedded Linux Based Hardware and C/C++; NEW! MbedOS Board added
- Automated WiFi and AWS Cloud Connectivity
- MQTT messaging in both directions; TLS security
- LVGL Graphics, WiFI / Local Hotspot for configuration, SD File System, Others
- Automated WiFi and AWS Cloud Connectivity
- MQTT messaging in both directions; TLS security
- Back End / AWS Integrations:
- IoTCore, AWS "Things", MQTT Broker
- AWS Lambdas (Python, Javascript), Serverless Back End
- DynamoDB NoSQL Database
- Cognito User and accounts management
- AWS Jobs for OTA (over the air) firmware updates
- AWS AppSync (for real-time interactions)
- S3, Route53, Amplify, other services
- Docker, AWS Greengrass, Linux2 (limtied demo)
- AWS FreeRTOS, Linux2
- Amazon Alexa Integration for Voice Control
- Front End: Google Angular Based WebApp, Javascript, Typescript
- User Login and Security
- Demo views multiple demo device types
- View Messages, Logs, Send Requests, Info, show on Google Map
- View device Info and status
- Remote Configuration and Management, Device health and OTA Firmware Updates
- Google Maps (limited demo)
AWS and Alexa are trademarks of Amazon and not affiliated with ESDI